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创办于1966年的杜塞尔多夫零售业展览会(Euroshop)是全球规模和影响力最大的零售业,广告业和展装业综合博览会,展览面积超过20万平方米,每三年举办一届。这次是首次进入中国,会议主席Pfo. Dr Helmut Merkel,前欧盟零售协会主席和国际百货集团协会总裁,表示活动前他预期是120位参展商,没想到超过了160位,Cstar从今年开始将会在中国每年举办一次,明年大会时间已然定下,具体安排已经提上议程。

在大会的最后环节,澳大利亚澳瑞姆(Azurlum)公司中国战略顾问王玮先生与会议主席Pfo. Dr Helmut Merkel共同主持了一场高端对话,赢商网的吴传鲲总裁与国内最具影响力的专业新媒体的代表中购联的郭增利主任、Hermann中国零售平台(微博)以及德国最大的零售媒体DFV的Hanke先生,还有来自1号店郭总和万宝龙文化基金会主席及前全球总裁Lutz Bethge先生坐阵,大家就中国零售的未来特别是电子商务的发展各抒己见、激辩碰撞、精彩纷呈。

Pfo. Dr Helmut Merkel(最左)与王玮先生(最右)主持对话

本次活动的闭幕晚宴上,赢商网记者有幸采访到了会议主席Pfo. Dr Helmut Merkel, EHI 零售协会CEO Michael Gerling先生,万宝龙文化基金会主席及前全球总裁Lutz Bethge先生以及平行会议主持澳大利亚澳瑞姆(Azurum)公司中国战略顾问王玮先生,分别就零售业的困境,线上线下的格局,中国零售对于电商冲击的应对与变革,国外零售业与中国的差别,中国零售的成长空间等问题进行了采访。

Winshang:The retail business is a very important part of commercial real estate. But with the growth of Chinese economy slowing down, the retail industry in China is struggling too. Regarding this situation, what would be your advice for the retailers on this market?


Pfo. Dr Helmut Merkel:You say because the economy is going down, retail is shrinking, not necessarily , because the consumption in China, there is still huge potential. In the consisting situation, in the past, retailers focus too much on the luxury, and it is not enough, customers have more needs, what I see is, the food retail, the German food retail is very much developed, but there is huge potential to call , all kind of food retail, it is still the biggest market, in China there is more than 500 billion Us dollar, actually it is more 1 trillion RMB, it is really a very big market. When you see the GDP of China, the biggest part is still investment, so only the smaller part is consumption, in many countries that I compare with, Germany for example, the consumption in China is the rajah of GDP is only 40 %,in Germany it is 60%, it is double, so China will go there eventually, I do not see really negative development, economy is up and down, it always, they are always changing ,changing and changing, growth will continue, no doubt, I can easily see it, because I can compare.

Pfo. Dr Helmut Merkel:你说经济增长在下滑,零售在缩减,其实未必!因为中国的消费力依然有着非常巨大的潜能。在现阶段以及过去,零售商太过专注于奢侈品领域,卖贵的东西,但这是不够的,消费者有更多其他需求,比如食品零售,德国的食品零售已经发展的非常成熟,还是有很多潜能可以挖掘,光在这个方面中国至少有5000亿美元,1万亿人民币的消费力尚未挖掘。中国的GDP显示,最大部分的贡献来自投资,消费的比重较小,和大多数国家比起来,就说德国,德国的消费占到60%,中国只有40%,几乎多一倍,中国也是要发展到这步,所以对于零售的发展,我非常乐观,经济本身一直就是起起落落的,零售的持续增长我不怀疑,比较一下就非常容易看出。


Winshang:The E-commerce industry has seen a significant growth in China in recent years, which of course has strongly affected the retail industry. Do you have any advice about the actions that the retailers should take to deal with the impact produced by e-commerce?


Lutz Bethge: OF course the E-commerce, the online sales ,have an impact on the main order, but I believe for the brands , for all the retailers it is important to express, vows, they need to do better and better, the online and the offline, because for the customer, there is no difference, the customers want to have certain product, want to have certain service, and I think online and offline is just two sides of coin, and we combine online and offline in a right way to attract customer and both will help each other, because we will able to get closer to customers, exactly, they will help each other, but we have to understand they are two different side of the same coin, we have to make sure we combine. Competitors is everywhere, everyone should have crisis awareness.

Lutz Bethge:当然,线上销售对于零售肯定有影响,但是我相信对于所有的品牌所有的零售商要不断地给消费者创造惊喜是非常重要的,因为对于消费者来说,线上和现下没有差别,他们只是需要合适的产品,合适的服务,线上线下就像一个硬币的两面,两面正确结合起来才能吸引消费者,拉近与消费者的距离,他们实际是相辅相成的,不是对立的,但是他们是同一个硬币的两个不同面,所以正确的结合也是一门学问。竞争者是到处都有的,每个人要做的是提高危机意识去改善自我。  


               图为万宝龙文化基金会主席及前全球总裁Lutz Bethge先生

当被问到此问题时,EHI 零售协会CEO Michael Gerling先生讲了一个很好的故事,20多年前德国的Mail订单(邮购)大约占零售总额的6%(指通过电话和传真订购的商品),10多年前Internet问世并开始流行,于是德国国内就有大量的声音说通过互联网的网上销售订单(即我们现在讲的电商)将会在十年后包揽50-60%零售订单!如今,十年已经过去了,特别移动互联网的今天也是如此的发达,但网购的订单比例仍然也就是10%,50%从来也没有出现过!据 Michael Gerling先生所述,德国的线上产品也是比线下会便宜些,但是快递物流费用非常高昂,零售商在线上卖产品的主要原因更是为了抢占市场份额,而不是以盈利为目的。


Winshang: What’s the difference between foreign retailing industry and the Chinese one? Anything for the Chinese retailers to learn from?  


Pfo. Dr Helmut Merkel:What I notice the biggest difference is the speed with which things change, in Europe it took 150 years to develop department store, more than 150 years, the first department store was open 160 years ago, in Paris, Le bon Marche, their president is here tonight, from there to today, 160 years, in China, it only took 30 years, from the whole development, from the everything all to change to now, it is 30years, so the speed is happened to not allow everything organized perfectly, it is impossible, so there is huge potential to develop, this is the number one big difference, the second big difference is the numbers of customers, it is a biggest economy, the biggest market, the biggest consumption in the world, the local Germany is only 80 million citizen, even to one province of China, a lot of consumers you have, for sure, there is a lot of challenges, you can not stress the concept of Europe or America because it is deferent market here, but Chinese have no need to event again, because everything is event already, just like the technology of print. You can learn it faster, you can observe, so it is a good opportunity to take a closer look.

Pfo. Dr Helmut Merkel:在我看来最大的差别是变化的速度,欧洲最早的乐蓬马歇百货公司距今已经有160年了,欧洲花了超过150年发展到现在,但是在中国,这个行业的历史仅仅才30年,从最初到目前所有的转变一共才30年,发展太快,必然会有一些不完美存在,没一点问题是不可能的,也正昭示着巨大的潜力可以挖掘,这是最大的差别。第二大的差别就是消费者的数量,中国是一个庞大的经济体,一个最大的市场,世界上最大的消费力所在,德国本土只有区区8000万居民,只跟中国的一个省差不多。当然,有很多挑战,因为市场不同,不能生拉硬扯过来欧洲或美国的概念,一切的生意都是要围绕本地的市场来做的,但是中国不需要再走很多弯路,因为一切都已经在欧洲上演过,就像印刷术的发明一样(最早在中国发明,但是欧洲人不知道,还以为是古登堡首先发明)你们有好的机会学习得更快,你们可以观察再观察.

而Lutz Bethge先生作为万宝龙前全球总裁,从消费者角度提了最大不同:

Lutz Bethge:Difference of foreign retailing industry and Chinese industry, I think first of all, the customers are different, the customers are more demanding in China, they want to know more, I always found, Chinese customer come to store, they know China, they know Europe or the united states, the customers want to know exactly what the product is all about, they want to understand what is the product is really immaculate, so if he was satisfied with the quality, with the design and the understanding of the product, he will buy. So I think the retail business in China must provide much better service, because you have to be aware that what is they are demanding, you have to train your people very hard, to really fulfill the requirement, the retail business is develop very fast in China, so you have to train very fast.

Lutz Bethge:中国零售业和国外零售业的差别,我认为最主要的是消费者不同,中国的消费者更加挑剔,他们想要了解更多,我经常发现,到店的中国消费者,他们了解中国,了解欧洲也了解美国,他们很清楚产品的各种情况,他们清楚知道哪样的产品对于他们来说是完美的,要真正做到让他对产品质量,产品的设计满意,对产品的理念理解,他才买单。为了解中国的消费者需要什么,中国的零售业得提供更好的服务才能把握住消费者挖掘消费者,另外,为了符合这一要求,你们得努力培训你们的员工,中国的商业发展速度如此迅猛,人才的培训也要跟上节奏。



